
I advocate for a pragmatic approach to reproducibility in scientific computing, balancing sound scientific principles (the need for transparency, replication and possibility of falsification) with the other constraints present in the modern research environment.

The majority of the papers I have co-authored contain open source software as supplementary material to fully reproduce the main results and methodological developments.

I have also with teaching these principles to students and researchers at the University of Luxembourg.

Additionally, I am involved in the design and development of a number of open source projects related to the high-level, efficient and scalable solution of partial differential equations.

The FEniCS Project

I am actively involved in the development of the FEniCS Project finite element software. I am also a member of the FEniCS Project Steering Council that steers the overall technical direction of the project.


FEniCS-Shells and FEniCSx-Shells leverage the automated code generation facilities of the FEniCS Project to bring robust numerical methods to a wide range of frontier elasticity problems.

  • Simple and extensible plate and shell finite element models through automatic code generation tools, J.S. Hale, M. Brunetti, S.P.A. Bordas, and C. Maurini, Computers & Structures, vol. 209, pp. 163–181, Oct. 2018, 10.1016/j.compstruc.2018.08.001

FEniCSx Preconditioning Tools

FEniCSx Preconditioning Tools brings PETSc’s scalable block preconditioning strategies to users of the DOLFINx finite element solver. The package supports designing preconditioners for complex field splits, e.g. velocity-pressure Navier-Stokes coupled with temperature.